


Advertise in our Program Booklet

Dear patron, business owner, potential supporter,

You have the unique opportunity to support the Essex Chamber Music Players in an exciting endeavor by making a donation or/and advertising in our concert program booklet. The Essex Chamber Music Players (ECMP) is devoted to the creation and presentation of new classical music along with great musical treasures of the past.  Our motto is Music for the Twenty-first Century: Treasures of the Past, New Music Premieres. Hearing the best of the music produced in the 17th thru the 21st centuries, as well as the new music being created is an exciting experience

We are important to the Merrimack Valley’s cultural life and our presence helps draw people to the area as well as promote and support the business community. We have been performing at Northern Essex Community College since the spring of 1999, reaching out and connecting with the community. Our concerts have been successful and our audience is growing.

We created the "Local Cultural History Through Music" project commissioning composers to compose music about the Merrimack Valley and it history, sites and poets such as John Greenleaf Whittier, Anne Dudley, Bradstreet and Robert Frost. The works are prmiered on our concerts and create our school educational programs.

We have approximately four to five concerts a year. 
We support local artists and composers.

ECMP has been partially supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council and Norther Essex Community College.

Our plans include:

  • Expanding our concert performances.
  • Bringing our Preserving Local Cultural History Through Music programs to public and private schools
  • Continuing our studio-recording project
  • We offer local composers’ works
  • Expanding our touring throughout Massachusetts and New England
  • Expanding our donation of tickets to organizations servicing the disadvantaged so people who would not ordinarily attend concerts can experience the thrill of live music.

Your tax-deductible donation or advertisement will help us in the following ways:  

  • Paying musicians for rehearsal and performance time
  • Paying composers a commission for their new works
  • Printing and mailing expenses


Donation Levels and complimentary tickets for concerts and more.

Supporter (1 free tickets to any ECMP concert) $25 - $49
Donor     (2 free tickets to any ECMP concert) $50 - $99
Patron     (4 free tickets to any ECMP concert) $100 - $249
Benefactor (8 free tickets to any ECMP concert) $250 - $499
Gold Circle (8 free tickets to any ECMP concert, a complimentary ECMP CD) $500 - $999
Platinum Circle (12 free tickets to any ECMP concert, a complimentary ECMP CD) $1000+

All donors will be listed in our programs. The Donate button below securely works through PayPal.

Ad Sizes and Pricing

Full Page – Inside front/back covers or back of program $1000
Full page - 5.5”w x 8.5”h $500
1/2 page - 5.5”w x 4.25”h $250
1/4 page – 5.5”w x 2.125"h $125
1/8 page – 2.5”w x 2.125”h $65
List of sponsors in program $25

Please consider a donation or an ad for our concert program booklet. Ads and donations credits will run for a year of concerts.

For ads and donations please contact ECMP by e-mailing: ecmp314@comcast.net
Checks for donations should by made payable to: Essex Chamber Music Players, Inc. and sent to Michael Finegold, ECMP Artistic Director, 11 Lavender Hill Lane, Andover, MA 01810.

You may also pay for an advertisement through PayPal using the Donate button on this page.
Contributions are tax-deductible. Essex Chamber Music Players, Inc is a non-profit 501 (C) (3) organization. (Massachusetts established since September 1, 2005; Federal established November 6, 2006- retroactive till September 1, 2005)

Thank you,
Michael G. Finegold, ECMP Artistic Director